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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Cosmetic Surgical Procedure

A tummy tuck is a procedure that tightens the skin and muscle of your abdominal wall and removes excess fat.

Reasons to Have A Tummy Tuck

Age, weight or pregnancy related changes such as loose skin, loss of muscle tone, and localized fat deposits are reasons to consider a tummy tuck. The goal is a flatter more youthful abdominal wall. It is not a way to lose weight. It is best for someone near their ideal body weight who cannot regain their abdominal shape in spite of diet and exercise. Women usually wait until after their final planned pregnancy.

The Procedure

Abdominoplasty is done under general anesthesia either at the surgical center or outpatient at the hospital. The incision will be discussed at the consultation and will be marked just prior to the procedure. Your style of undergarment and bathing suit help determine the best location. Liposuction is often used to accentuate your waist.


The drains are removed at about a week. You will miss about two weeks of work and avoid heavy lifting and abdominal exercises for six weeks. Most of the stitches are self-absorbing.

Can Another Procedure Such as Tubal Ligation be Done at the Same Time?

Gynecologic procedures performed by your gynecologist are often done at the same procedure.

Is A Tummy Tuck A Good Way to Lose Weight?

It isn't. The best results come from losing weight first through dieting or even bariatric surgery.

Can I Get Pregnant After A Tummy Tuck?

Yes.  It is possible, but better to have the procedure after your last planned pregnancy.

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